- Both canons and originals are allowed. See [here] for information on settings.
- You may only have two canons per setting, and only four characters per setting.
- Use the [application form] provided; do not add or remove fields.
- Describe your characters clearly and in your own words to show that you have a good grasp of them. Do not copy and paste from a wiki or another source.
- Characters may have been in Eden for as long as you want, but it is preferred for canons that they be newly arrived.
- Consult the [abilities thread] when drafting the skills and powers of your character.
- Be patient in waiting for your character review. Pestering the staff could result in a denial.
- The staff may decline an application if it is poorly written, too powerful, inappropriate or radically changes a canon character or setting into something unrecognizable (this does not preclude AUs or headcanon, as long as it is reasonable).
- Generally the profile can be revised up to three times, but the staff may allow more depending on circumstances.
- You must wait two weeks and have at least ten posts with your first (or most recently approved) character before applying for another.